Happy New Year!
2024 was a year of accomplishment, but ended with frustration. I submitted The Knight, the Gnome, and the Fox, the third book in the Sleuthing with Mortals series in November of 2023. My publishers changed distributers at around that time, and it did not go well, through no fault of theirs. The poor staff had to load all their authors’ books (and there are hundreds of them) to numerous platforms by hand, which meant they slaved away all through the holidays and beyond. This holiday season was mercifully stress-free for them, comparatively speaking.
There is a fourth book in the works, too. Odin’s Word is in typesetting now and I will post here when it is up for pre-order. I can’t wait to see what the artist comes up with for the cover!
Teaching and coaching are still going strong, and it’s great that I can do it either here in Northern Virginia or by the Chesapeake Bay in Southern Maryland, thanks to Zoom. Zoom is one of the few good things to come out of the COVID pandemic. I know it existed before that, but I’d never heard of it, and I don’t think most people had.
I won’t take so long to post again—my New Year’s Resolution.
Ciao for now!