
From London to Washington D.C.
I grew up near London, U.K., graduated from the London College of Dance and Drama Education, and served on the faculty of a London theater school before emigrating to Ithaca, NY, where I eventually worked at the Cornell undergraduate library, in charge of the audio collection. After a few years, I moved to New York City where I worked in Manhattan before again meeting my future husband, whom I’d known in Ithaca where he was studying for a master’s degree at the Cornell Law School. Believe it or not, we bumped into each other in the middle of the street while he was there visiting his cousin. I moved back to Ithaca where we were married and, not long after, he was hired by the World Bank and we moved to the Washington, D. C. area and settled in Northern Virginia.
I knew I had a novel in me!
When the children were old enough, I went back to work, eventually becoming Manager of Publications at a Grumman subsidiary. But technical writing wasn’t enough. I knew I had a book in me. I also knew how many people say that. I studied at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, before working long distance for a year with marvelous teacher and author, Abigail DeWitt. She urged me to get my master’s degree in a low-residency program. I had never heard of such a program and doubted I would get in. But I did, and earned an M.F.A in Creative Writing from Queens University of Charlotte.
My first published novels
I self-published my first two novels in the Flower Ladies Trilogy—Not One of Us and Lily Takes the Field—as well as Crossroads: Two Novellas. I had started these books before studying for my master’s degree. I was in the process of writing The Blitz Business (set in World War II England), and wanted to concentrate on getting that professionally published, which happened in 2016. I plan to write a sequel, as Jamie, a teen with mild retardation, still has a story to tell. I have served on the boards of many nonprofit organizations, including ten years with Langley Residential Support Services, which provides services for the intellectually challenged. The heart of The Blitz Business started to beat during these years, as those men and women we cared for are so much more than their diagnosis. They have hopes and dreams, just like everyone else.
Teaching and more publications
I love to teach, and taught for several years for the Fairfax County Adult Education department, and the McLean Community Center, which has a large instructional program. As a result of the Covid lockdown, I started to teach on Zoom, and only accept private clients now. I also enjoy writing poetry, and my collection, Long in the Tooth, was published July 2013. My poems and short stories have appeared in many online and print publications.
Urban Fantasy intrigues me
As a result of several personal losses, I lost the mental energy to write. After a long dry spell, I realized that I needed to try something completely different, and settled on urban fantasy, choosing the Norse gods as my base. I’ve always loved Scandinavia, and used to speak Swedish, so feel some affinity for the region. Sleuthing With Mortals started to take shape.
Sleuthing with Mortals
I wrote the first book, but just couldn’t leave it there. I love the idea of taking my protagonists through their life’s journey—experiencing sorrow and joy, danger and peace. The goddess Lin attracts trouble, but handles every setback with courage and ingenuity. Her special powers, although weakened, stand her in good stead.
Other inspirations
I am also a visual artist, working in acrylics, watercolor and pastels. I enjoy caring for my Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Sam (who is a character in Sleuthing With Mortals), my house on the Chesapeake Bay, reading, and creating my garden.